Using the elements to inspire your writing

We connect with the elements for a whole load of different reasons, and some of us may resonate with one that stands out more than the others. Everyone may have a different reason for doing this, to bring comfort or to tap deep into our bodies, to connect with the thing that is so much bigger than us, or maybe something else entirely.

For me, it’s all of the above, and I wanted to experiment with using the elements within writing; both mine and for client work. I’m still at the start of the journey, but I have really been enjoying tapping into the different energies, and I wanted to share that with you too.

I’ve put together some journalling prompts for each of the elements, to get you out of the everyday, out of your head, and into another space for you to write, create, and think about the things that will help you communicate more clearly.

You can pick the element that resonates the most, or maybe you want to spend some time working through them all, the choice is yours. What I will say is, if you’re working through them all, take some time in between each element - you could try some breathwork or maybe even shake off the previous element with some free movement or tapping.

Let me know how you get on, and enjoy!


Known for: Grounding and calming energy

Think of: Rooting down and feeling into the bones of your business.

Notes of: Reassurance, experience, wisdom

Journalling prompts

Which part of your business do you feel most connected to?

What pieces of wisdom can you share with your clients?

How can you communicate your why with more depth?


Known for: Clarity, communication, and expansive energy

Think of: Flowing through the phases, being energised by your business, and being open to expansion.

Notes of: Openness, transparency, conviction

Journalling prompts

Which one person do you speak to with your business?

What are you an expert in?

How can you bring more transparency into your messaging?


Known for: Healing and nourishing energy

Think of: Fluidity and the ability to adapt, experimenting with new ways

Notes of: Depth, flow, ease

Journalling prompts

How can you challenge the way you communicate?

Where can you add more depth into communicating who you work with?

Can you add more fluidity to your words, if so, how?


Known for: The element of heat, of passion, of power, of creation

Think of: Being experimental, bringing a cleansing energy to your work, or a fiery tone to your words.

Notes of: Power, conviction, authority

Journalling prompts

What do you strongly believe that others may not?

How can this belief be communicated?

Where can you cleanse and release what no longer serves you in your writing and work?


Known for: Being the container of it all.

Think of: Infusing all of the elements within your comms and writing, how can you hold it all?

Notes of: Polarity, multi-dimensions, unity

Journalling prompts

How many different sides are there to you or your business?

Which pieces from each element can you use within your comms and your ecosystem?

What does your business stand for, what are its true values?

Hopefully those journal prompts have given you something to think about. I have an Instagram post on this too, so head here if you fancy a gander.

Happy writing, and thank you for reading,

Molly. X


Creating with the energy of Spring


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