Rebirth and Return: Prompts for 2025

Settle in and work through these Solstice Prompts that will see you into the first portion of 2025.

The act of writing is not only gorgeous for the soul, but divine for business, too. It helps you connect back to root, to purpose, to the reason you’re on this journey, and these prompts are designed to help you with just that.

There’s a guidance or tarot spread you can use below, which can help and light the way if you’re a fan of that extra bit of insight.

If you’re looking for that bits extra but don’t have cards to hand, you can practice sitting with the question and visualising what comes up for your brand. Let the mind wander for a few minutes on each question, and journal down what you saw, felt, and what happened in all of your senses - no matter how unusual they may seem.

Enjoy my loves, and I would so like to know what came up for you.

Molly. X

The Prompts


What does your brand need to release this Solstice?

It’s a time when we welcome in the light but there is often something that our brands need to leave behind in order to do this. It could be something from this year, products, beliefs, ways of working, anything at all that you would like to place down with ease.


What can you breathe new life into?

Which part of your brand needs fresh air, fresh energy, fresh life?


What has worked well that you want to keep in these transition?

We want to keep the things that are working, what are they, why are they working, why does your brand love them?


What do you need to do to return to the soul of the brand?

Come back home. Have you wandered a little too far, does your brand need refreshed connection? How can you come back to the soul, the purpose, and the mission?

Looking for more?


An Act of B-Coming


Winter Solstice Practices