Cleansing your energy before writing
We store energy in our bodies. From conversations, interactions, and from the world around us. This residual energy, often not ours, can be transferred to the thing that we’re creating.
When we write, for ourselves or for our work, we pour that energy and a piece of ourselves into what it is we’re creating.
Our words carry meaning and energy, and we want those words to connect with our audience and people on a soul level. Your brand voice is your vibration, so this piece is all about cleansing your energy before you begin to write, so you can converse and connect with intention.
What energy are you storing?
Before you write for your work or your brand, it’s always useful to check in with the energy in your body. How do you feel, what is going on, and where do you feel the energy?
You can take a body scan, starting from the crown of your head and working your way all the way down to the tips of your toes, noticing the sensations and the feelings as you move your way down.
Another way is to journal, to ask yourself in your mind or on paper, how do you really feel and is there anything that feels stuck?
What energy do you want to cultivate?
Next, set an intention for the energy that you want to cultivate when you write. It could be to channel the energy of your brand, to write from a space of openness, or to create without fear or judgement. Think about the energy, and envision it in your mind.
Cleansing your energy
Cleansing your energy to make way for the new can happen in a whole range of ways. Some days you might lean to one modality, and there may be times when you want to change up how you feel and how you move through it. Here are some firm favourites from the Effable toolkit.
Breathwork comes in many shapes and forms, but any conscious breathwork will cleanse your energy and bring you into a state of being ready to create.
Box breathing, alternate nostril breathing, or conscious connected breathing are all gorgeous options, depending on where you’re at in your breathwork journey.
Physically moving the energy through your body is a delicious way to feel what you’re feeling and get the energy shifting.
Shaking out through the body, starting with the hands and feet and moving through every body part is one way, to put on one of your favourite songs and dance to the beat is another, or you can work through a yoga flow or go for a run if that is how you like to move your body.
There are so many rituals, but using selenite is a beautiful way to cleanse your energy, simply by holding it in your hands and setting the intention. Using other crystals that you feel called to, as well as using sage or Palo Santo to cleanse your energy and space are all amazing tools and rituals.
A mug of cacao is another way to open your heart and bring clarity into how you want to communicate, and lastly, using an oracle deck to pull a card for guidance is a thought-provoking way to tap into the energy in your body.
These three modalities will all help you cleanse, release, and create space for the new.
Why we move our energy
We move our energy so that we can create with intention and with soul. Stagnant energy can cloud how we communicate and what we say, with lingering energies seeping into how we speak and what we say. Cleansed energy means we can connect purely to our brand voice and vibration, and speak with integrity and clarity, to welcome in the souls who feel seen and heard by our words.
The energy of your brand voice is a magnet for those who are ready to receive or engage with what it is that you offer, and the more clarity and consistency we can bring to our words, the more magnetic our message and brand becomes.