Brand Cleansing for Spring
The winds are changing and the energy is rising. It is time to cleanse and release, and invite in the new.
We might be into the fourth month of the calendar year but the world is only just awakening. Spring Equinox marked the start of a new Nature year, bringing with it new opportunity, possibility, and creativity.
It’s time for a cleanse.
Working with the Spring energy, embracing Mercury Retrograde (read more about that here) and all this season brings, to release what no longer needs to have a place in order to make space.
When we hold onto things that no longer serve us, it makes it trickier for the good stuff to flow in, and it’s no different for brands.
In business, we hold onto ways of thinking, ways of doing, ways of wording, ways of working. But, in keeping those within our grasp we leave no room for the new.
New messaging.
New ideas.
New perspectives.
We cleanse ourselves and release the things we do not need, all in a variety of ways and, for some of us, without consciously knowing it. So, what if we did the same for our brands and the brands that we work with?
Brand Cleansing Rituals for Spring
Release to renew, it is a time for blooming, but first we need to make the space for those pieces of magic to come through. This is how to cleanse your brand for the season ahead.
Tidy up loose ends
Make space for new projects, ideas, and inspiration. Loose ends and projects that might need completing or closing, tidy up anything you can to close these chapters and be conscious not to fill their spaces right away. Creativity, like energy, flows to where there is space, so make sure to leave the door open.
Refine your messaging
A spring clean of your messaging, as it were. How can you refine and hone the messages for the brand? It could be a tweak of language, cutting the fluff out of the messaging, or revisiting to look for clarity and the energy that is woven into the words.
Revisit your Brand Truth
Go back to the foundations; the purpose, the mission, the vision, and the values. Your Brand Truth is the guiding light and the North Star, revisiting them to let them sink into your mind and those of everyone working on the brand, a refresh, a reintroduction, a remembering.
Embody your Brand Voice
The birds are singing and your brand should be too. Embody the brand voice in every piece of communication. Play with it, get friendly with it, and think about how the brand would speak in this season. Does it have a little more pep and vigor than it did during the Winter, or is it still creeping out of hibernation? Brand Voice is an ever-evolving piece, and that is part of the magic.
It’s the season of growth, of new life, and of new opportunity.
Take the time to cleanse and release within the brand before looking for those shoots of spring.